<span class="resolved" aria-label="Resolved" title="Topic is resolved."></span>編集ができません


Replies: 1




<dt>ご予約に関して<span class="hissu">必須</span></dt>
<dd>[radio radio-691 label_first default:1 use_label_element "初めて" "2回目以降"]</dd>
<dt>ご希望部位<span class="hissu">必須</span></dt>
<dd>[radio radio-607 label_first default:1 use_label_element "顔" "身体""ホワイトニング"]</dd>
<dt>お名前<span class="hissu">必須</span></dt>
<dd>[text* your-name]</dd>
<dt>生年月日<span class="hissu">必須</span></dt>
<dd> [select* birth-year default:61 "1920" "1921" "1922" "1923" "1924" "1925" "1926" "1927" "1928" "1929" "1930" "1931" "1932" "1933" "1934" "1935" "1936" "1937" "1938" "1939" "1940" "1941" "1942" "1943" "1944" "1945" "1946" "1947" "1948" "1949" "1950" "1951" "1952" "1953" "1954" "1955" "1956" "1957" "1958" "1959" "1960" "1961" "1962" "1963" "1964" "1965" "1966" "1967" "1968" "1969" "1970" "1971" "1972" "1973" "1974" "1975" "1976" "1977" "1978" "1979" "1980" "1981" "1982" "1983" "1984" "1985" "1986" "1987" "1988" "1989" "1990" "1991" "1992" "1993" "1994" "1995" "1996" "1997" "1998" "1999" "2000" "2001" "2002" "2003" "2004" "2005" "2006" "2007" "2008" "2009" "2010" "2011" "2012" "2013" "2014"]年 [select* birth-month include_blank "1" "2" "3" "4" "5" "6" "7" "8" "9" "10" "11" "12"]月 [select* birth-day include_blank "1" "2" "3" "4" "5" "6" "7" "8" "9" "10" "11" "12" "13" "14" "15" "16" "17" "18" "19" "20" "21" "22" "23" "24" "25" "26" "27" "28" "29" "30" "31"]日</dd>
<dt>電話番号<span class="hissu">必須</span></dt>
<dd>[tel* your-tel maxlength:11]<br><span class="font10">半角でハイフンなし</span></dd>
<dt>メールアドレス<span class="hissu">必須</span></dt>
<dd> [email* your-email]<br><span class="font10">[ @zebre-men.com ]を受信可能にしてください。</span></dd>
<dt>第一希望<span class="hissu">必須</span></dt>
<dd>[date* date-218 date-format:mm/dd/yy]<br>[select* menu-120 "11時" "12時" "13時" "14時" "15時" "16時" "17時" "18時" "19時" "20時"]</dd>
<dt>第二希望<span class="hissu">必須</span></dt>
<dd>[date* date-530 date-format:mm/dd/yy]<br>[select* menu-121 "11時" "12時" "13時" "14時" "15時" "16時" "17時" "18時" "19時" "20時"]</dd>
<dd><span class="font10">ご要望、ご質問がある場合はご記入ください。</span><br>[textarea your-message]</dd>

<p><input type="reset" value="リセット"> [submit "上記の内容で送信する"] </p>



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