I recall, for all previous migrations, I would always have to change the wp-config credentials to the old site that I was migrating.
For this new migration, which happened on the same account, I first created a WordPress install and I did the migration.
Yet I did not change the wp-config credentials and the site worked, as a matter of fact when I did change the wp-config credentials from the old site, the new site crashed.
I am so confused right now, because in the past, I have always had to go back and change the wp-config credentials on the new site to make them match the old site, but not this time.
Maybe has Duplicator Pro introduced a new feature that I am not aware of ?
No, the Problem is the DNS Change. It takes time.
Using the method you used, the wp-config file is not overwritten with the old DB strings, since you were running it from an existing WP install. The migration script simply replaces the *data* in the DB – the connection isn’t changed.