This morning I noticed some of my images were broken in Chrome and Edge. Everything seems fine in Firefox. I updated my browsers and now all the images have broken. No pending plugin or theme updates. I have no idea where to start, [https://eisenhowerlibrary.org/](https://eisenhowerlibrary.org/)
I would say it is ok, for me, in Chrome, I see all the images (https://imgur.com/RJEaejB) – did you clear the browsers cache, maybe: https://themeisle.com/blog/how-to-clear-cache/
Fine at my end too. Could be just your end or we are loading a cached copy.
Are you logged in when you see the broken images?
Open Developer tools in your broswer and go to the console tab and reload the page. Any errors?
Looks fully functional to me.
Do you think you would have any use of a mobile app along with your website?