I was building a website with a pre-built theme, and when it was finally done I changed the domain name to make it official, but as soon as I did it, almost all the icons (which were provided by the theme) disappeared and turned into blank boxes.
I have tried reinstalling the theme but it showed up again with the same problem
i have tried re-opening the theme icons file but it doesnt seem to work too
Any advice on how to restore them?
You need to use a broken link checker tool to fix it. When you changed the domain name, the images remained on the previous domain/subdomain.
Try using this [Broken Link Checker](https://wordpress.org/plugins/broken-link-checker-seo/) tool. I googled and found this guide on [how to fix broken links](https://www.wpbeginner.com/plugins/how-to-fix-broken-links-in-wordpress-with-broken-link-checker/). It’s a common issue when changing domains.
would need to see the site URL to know for sure
yea, the image paths are hard coded with the full old domain. You’ll have to do a find and replace through the database.
It is critical you do a full site backup first!