Hi !
I’m using Dokan and Woocommerce for my marketplace
I want for my virtual marketplace to have the better security for customer as possible. I would like to implement a feature that could allow the customer to confirm that he received his order. The workflow I imagined (pretty logic) :
– Seller send the virtual product and confirm on his dashboard he sent it (get no money yet)
– Customer on his order panel, say he received
-> Now the order goes to Completed, and the money is delocked and can be withdraw on the Seller Dashboard
The thing is, I’ve never heard of a plugin like that, that could fit with Dokan Multivendor and Woocommerce on WordPress. If it exists please let me know ! Or if you know where to find informations it will really help me.
I’ll try to code if I can with the Code Snippets plugin but not sure about where to start
That sounds risky.
Regardless – the way I’d build this would be a create custom API [endpoint](https://developer.wordpress.org/rest-api/extending-the-rest-api/adding-custom-endpoints/) that accepts things like customerID, orderID, and I’d also recommend including a hash/nonce type element so it can’t be abused. You would need dev skills to be able to implement this.