back up wordpress site ??


*Hello. my fellow wordpressers \~*

*I just had my wordpress site set up on my self-managed VPS on DigitalOcean. I feel happy. However, I’m thinking a way to make the site robust. What I mean is that if things happen, my site goes down. I could automatically route the traffic to another back up site ( using API to spin up a droplet, a name for vps on digitalocean, and automatically deploy a snapshot of my site)*
*There are tons of ways to do this like load balancing (expensive!!) DNS-fallback and spinning a new instance… or just show a maintainence page??*
*What do you guys suggest and how you tackle this task??*

*Any input would be deeply appreciated… Thank you. :'”)*

  1. Instead of automatically routing the traffic to another back up site, we have implemented robust 2 (sometimes even 3) backup layers with which we can relatively fast restore our site back (via All in one WP migration plugin + pCloud and BlogVault), if this approach would suit you as well.

  2. Why? Use cloudflare and it will temporarily serve a static copy of your server is down. You’re overthinking this, my dude.

  3. Why not use the backup and restore feature of the DO droplet itself? You can also create a new droplet based on a backup as well.


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