I am using Cloudflare, but ideally I want an image CDN that will allow me to push the images to the website via custom domain such as cdn.domainname.com is this possible, if so what is the best service?
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I really like [bunny.net](https://bunny.net), hooks into the media library flawlessly and you can use your own domain name.
Bunny we use it for sites of all sizes. Works great with custom domain. And cheap af. You don’t even need to install their own plugin, you can hook it up into almost any caching plugin and it works.
If you want to keep it in Cloudflare, their R2 cloud storage system is pretty inexpensive. Would be looking at $1.35 per month to store (and serve up) 100GB worth of images. You are also able to keep using their CDN for edge caching even off your R2 bucket. And URL for the images could be on a hostname within your domain (like CDN.domain.com).
See: https://appforcf.com/items/app-for-cloudflare%C2%AE-pro.1/