I have signed up with blue host to create a blog on wordpress a few months ao. Started very simply, was experimenting with themes and now while taking a digital marketing course online I realized that I need a [wordpress.org]) site, I think the one I am creating is [wordpress.com](https://wordpress.com)? Sorry If I sound dumb, I have no knowledge and trying to do it on my own, but how do I create a [wordpress.org]) page already having a bluehost account? I tried going through [wordpress.org]) and starting from there, but they ask to sign up with blue host and I can see that I am already logged in.
My current site is basically non-existent yet and I don’t mind to lose it, because I was just experimenting with themes and structure and information.
I found some info on redirecting your com site to org, but I haven’t picked out the domain yet and my site is not published.