Plugin Author
Glad to hear you absolutely love ASE. Please consider writing that as a super quick review for ASE at
As to the missing shortcode button, on which admin page/URL are you seeing it missing from the visual editor?… from which plugin is the shortcode button coming from?
Hi Bowo,
Will definitely be leaving a 5 star review, thanks for the awesome plugin.
When I edit a post/page, their is normally a button above the visual editor to show an “Add Form” button when Gravity Forms is installed. If I activate the Classic Editor plugin it shows again.
See screenshots below:
Plugin Author
Thanks for the really nice review!
I’m guessing you’re using the free version of ASE and have enabled the Disable Components >> DIsable Gutenberg module for post/page when the “Add Form” button disappears?…. and then it re-appears after you disable that module and activate Classic Editor plugin instead?… just trying to get the details on exactly when the issue occurs, so I can replicate the issue on my test site and investigate the cause.
Plugin Author
I’ve just tested with the free version of ASE and I can confirm the issue you’re seeing. Investigating further….
No problems, thanks for an amazing plugin!
Yes apologies, I should’ve mentioned I was using the “Disable Gutenberg” feature. Glad you can replicate the issue now.
It’s not urgent and not even that annoying really, I just go and grab shortcode from the plugin to paste in.
Plugin Author
I’ve been able to identify the cause, which is a check inside Gravity Forms on when to display the “Add Form” button, as follows:
$display_add_form_button = ( ! class_exists( 'GF_Block' ) || class_exists( 'Classic_Editor' ) ) && in_array( RG_CURRENT_PAGE, array(
) );
It expects the absence of GF_Block class or the presence of Classic_Editor class… indicating that a post/page edit screen has the block editor disabled. Since ASE has neither, in the next release, when Disable Gutenberg module is enabled, it will check for the presence of Classic_Editor class, and if none are present, i.e. Classic Editor plugin is not installed and activated, it will include an empty Classic_Editor class which would fix the missing “Add Form” issue.
Thanks again for reporting this.