Can I filter posts onto specific pages (not by categories in menu structure)

I’m new to using WordPress and I’m really confused about how to filter my posts to the different pages I’ve created. From tutorials I’ve seen, it’s telling me to add categories to the menu structure to filter them.

I’ve [created]) a Menu Structure with my pages, not categories. Is it not possible to filter my posts by page?

But if I’m just adding categories to my menu structure instead of the pages, I’m not sure what the point was in me spending time editing and creating pages for specific posts.

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1 Comment
  1. Ok. We need to get to grips with the lingo, cause I’m not quite sure what it is your trying to achieve.

    You have made pages and added them to a menu, that’s great.

    You have posts (which are articles about stuff) not pages, so what are you trying to do when you say you want to filter them by page..

    What I think you want to do is show all the Post on a page, so people can select them. To do that (if im right) is to create a page, lets call it news.. The in the Settings menu > Reading (in the side dashboard), there is a dropdown for choosing a Post’s Page. Choose the page you made and then when you visit it, all your posts will be there.


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