Open the wp menu item Photo Albums, submenu item Album admin.
This opens a table of albums.
Click in the column Edit on the line of the album you want to see.
To show the custom data, you should use so-called keywords that work as placeholders for the custom data fields.
Example: w#cc0 stands for Custom Caption number 0
w#cd0 stands for Custom Data number 0, etc up to w#cc9 and w#cd9
The captions are system wide defined on the settings page, i understand you found that already.
You should enter the keywords in the photo description; you can use html code.
Or just in the description like:
This is w#cd0, his adddres is w#cd1, and his tel no is w#cd2
Dear Jacob
I managed to add the fields to the description, but – if I am not mistaken – I had to add it to each and every foto which is not very comfortable, is there a central place where I cann add the w#cd0 etc so that it is displayed automatically on all fotos when the field is populated?
many thanks for your swift post!
Photo ALbums -> Settings -> Advanced settings -> New -> I -> Item 13 to enter the standard description
Item 12 to make it apply for new items
Photo ALbums -> Settings -> Advanced settings -> Maintenance -> II -> Item 6 to apply it to all current items.
AWESOME!!! MANY thanks!!!