HI! @wesmcdermott , In my opinion, you are confused, your canonical url matches the page https://prnt.sc/rkSpKHuzpM_s
I can assure you I’m not confused. You don’t understand my issue. The error is with https://www.hauntedrooms.co.uk/events – the canonical should be https://www.hauntedrooms.co.uk/ghost-hunts
I have no issues with https://www.hauntedrooms.co.uk/ghost-hunts – this is showing the correct canonical.
Hello @wesmcdermott
Thanks for reaching out about your canonical URL. I understand you’ve set a custom canonical URL for https://www.hauntedrooms.co.uk/events, but that’s not reflected. Can you let me know what plugin you use for your event page?
Hi. Thank you for getting back to me. As soon as you asked what plugin I used, I knew what it was! I was using the BeRocket product filters plugin, and one of the canonical settings was enabled. https://prnt.sc/3-uoXAjFRAFZ
I simply selected disabled fro the dropdown and now it’s dusplaying the correct custom canonical.
I’m glad you found out the cause of the issue @wesmcdermott
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