Configuration problen |



Thanks for your message. If you’re having problems while saving the configuration settings, then it may be possible that the first installation of the plugin triggered duplicate actions to install the necessary database tables and related records. It may be possible that due to duplicate configuration settings, the saving action will not perform any result.

We’ve seen this happening a few other rare times to some others of our clients, and the plugin allows to clean up duplicate records through a hidden URL in the wp-admin section. More precisely, by opening the back-end interface of VikRentCar, you can change the URL to match the following hidden task and then hit the enter button to browse the URL:


This hidden and protected task will simply ensure some database tables of VikRentCar do not contain duplicate records, and so launching it will never harm your site.

We invite you to get in touch with our technical support team through our website should you keep having problems.

Thank you,
The VikWP Team


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