Every time I test my contact 7 form, it goes to spam. Anything I can do to fix this?
Here is my code:
*<label> Enter Your Name (Required)*
*\[text\* text-480 placeholder “Enter Name\*”\]</label>*
*<label> Enter Your Email (Required)*
*\[email\* email-509 placeholder “Enter Your Email\*”\]</label>*
*<label> Subject (Required)*
*\[text\* your-subject placeholder “Subject\*”\] </label>*
*<label> Your Message (Required)*
*\[textarea\* your-message placeholder “Message\*”\] </label>*
*\[acceptance acceptance-299\] I Accept The <a href=”\[*[*https://www.blacksiteai.com/privacy-policy/\]*]*” target=”\\\_blank”>Privacy Terms</a> \[/acceptance\]*
*\[submit “Submit”\]*