Custom taxonomy for posts from a specific category


Hi @doobeedoo

I’m not sure I 100% follow what you are trying to do.
A custom taxonomy can be linked to a custom post type but I’m not aware of other type of connections for this?

Cheers, Jory

Hello Jory,

Thank you for your answer

In fact, it’s custom fields that we can link to posts from only a specific category (in ACF), and not custom taxonomies. Illustration :

Use case: I have posts categories “Music” and “Movies”

I created a custom taxonomy “Music artists” linked to posts

Problem: in posts from category “Movies”, the field “Music artists” is displayed, and this is misleading

What structure would you recommend to solve this ?

I don’t create a CPT “Music” and another CPT “Movies”, because some posts can be in multiple categories (“Music” AND “Movies” for this simplified example)

Thanks in advance

Hi @doobeedoo

Ah, you are referring to conditional logic.
WordPress taxonomy relationships do not allow conditional logic, however, our relationship fields do. Though this is a very new feature (released since 3.0) and might not be as complete as you are used to in ACF.
We currently only support conditionals on Pods fields, not general object information. See this topic for more information:

More info about our supported conditionals can be found here:

Cheers, Jory


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