Data error in Analytics (just Desktop, nothing critical)



I've searched the forum for this topic and found several instances but people don't come back to reply (case closed) or it's not solved.

I've tested the plugin with all the suggestions of those posts, reinstalled and reconnected it and also tested the ipv4 and ipv6 connections to Google and everything is OK.

Site Kit Desktop was working perfectly for years until December 2023… back then, it was an "Analytics 4" error and now it just says "Analytics" but I guess it is still the same, couldn't take a look at it until now because on the same VPS, there are two other sites with the exact same server config and their Site Kit desktops work correctly. Also, on the one that has the desktop error, all the tags for all the services are loaded correctly with consent mode active and there are no issues there. The only problem is on the desktop side with the Analytics data… Search console and Insights data on the desktop show OK.

So, to clarify, the only problem is the error message on the Desktop side: "Data error in Analytics The server provided an invalid response", everything else Site Kit does works OK…

On the browser console, I see some 502 errors… for example, this URL:

/wp-json/google-site-kit/v1/modules/analytics-4/data/report?metrics%5B0%5D%5Bname%5D=totalUsers&dimensions%5B0%5D%5Bname%5D=date&startDate=2024-03-03&endDate=2024-03-30&_locale=user 502 (Bad Gateway)

Or this other type of message:

googlesitekit-api-d40e32ef0f9473e8a1f1.js:3 Google Site Kit API Error method:GET datapoint:report type:modules identifier:analytics-4 error:"The response is not a valid JSON response."

But in the Apache logs, those requests return a 200 response, not a 502.

Any help or idea will be greatly appreciated.

Best regards…


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