Is there any problem/danger in creating folder(s) within the root of the WordPress site to deliver old HTML content that I don’t what/need to recreate with WordPress?
WordPress’s paths are virtual (ie dynamically generated).
As long as a physical file/directory exists, your webserver will serve it directly, without WordPress getting involved at all.
Below is a test I just set up (links valid for 48hrs only):
HTML File:
WordPress’s paths are virtual (ie dynamically generated). As long as a physical file/directory exists, your webserver will serve it directly, without WordPress getting involved at all.
Thank you George. You confirmed what I was thinking 🙂
I’m still wrapping my head around how WordPress works with its virtual paths … but I’m getting there. The project I want to tackle is a WordPress multisite install using subdirectories and convert an existing (non-responsive) English/French website to something similar using WordPress (without spending anything for plugins if I can solve challenges myself). My CSS skills are quite good and I’m slowely getting semi-familiar with PHP and mySQL.
BTW, your 2 links ended up at a “Site disabled due to abuse behaviour” page.