WordPress noob here. I just downloaded wordpress and I am FINALLY understanding what all the stuff you guys talk about on here. I am taking courses on youtube and Udemy to help. I am learning html and php.
Here’s the thing: Everyone recommends using a site builder like elementor, gutenberg, etc. But I realize that you can just customize the site using the regular WordPress functions. I am using the Astro theme and customizing my site with those settings. I am thinking of getting Astro pro as well.
My question is this: Do I even need to use a site builder? What are the pros beyond what I am doing? I do not need an extremely custom site. Just a simple ecommerce store with 5-10 handmade products. Please let me know and thanks in advance!
No you don’t. It’ll just make designing the UIs easier.
No. Sites built with (good) code are better and more customizable. I would build at least a couple of sites from scratch with your own PHP/HTML/CSS/JavaScript to learn how WordPress and general web development works. Page builders are good for relatively generic marketing websites that you need to create rapidly, but I always hit some kind of limitation or annoyance, having disparate styles or inline styles that are not organized well, etc.
Gutenberg is the core builder. Use that. Elementor is bloated trash
Having a good concept and design experience is the most important visual aspect. Technical aspects (code, builders etc) are important too for performance.
Gurenberg is the native wp editor. Stick with that imo.