I’m looking for a WordPress theme which I could use for blog about programming stuff.
I have almost zero knowledge about WordPress, but I’ve heard it is easy to use with a installed theme.
I’m looking for a blog theme something like microsoft documentation [here]). It looks clean and simple, but at the same time it has nice Code highlighting block and other different elements and navigation.
I’ve found this theme which I like [here]), but it is not a WordPress theme.
What I like is:
* it already has a demo with a Code block, when other demos are just missing it;
* it has a Content block of the article on right side and keeps visible even I scroll down.
* it is not a theme for WordPress, so I can’t just install and use it
* the latest comment was a year ago, which means it is probably out of support…
Should I start with free very basic theme and try to learn WordPress and available plugins?
Or (prefereable) you might know a wordpress theme where demo contains such article content and elements like code highlighting, tabs, Quote block, Note block, Error block, tree view block, etc.
One more question:
If I found a theme which I like, but it doesn’t have Code highliting block, can I install plugin and use it without issues?
Thanks in advance!