To add a flux rss in my header, on divi, i have to creat a new area for widget by adding some code in function.php .
In the other hand, on vanillia, its already in a bloc, ready to use.
I’am missing something ?
I discorve vanillia today (After begining in wp/divi pro since 4months) and its look like it have more blocs (or at least, more intuitive to use).
I would love to work with vanillia and divi on the same website 🙁
Btw, i try to integreat fullscreen bloc, but it’s only in fullscreen section, who dont have “text” bloc…
And if i modify right,top,bottom,left size in a text bloc, in normal section, its doesnt take the full screen (and looks like a bad way to do).
Any advice?
What is “vanilla”?