Duplicate of bbpress translations | WordPress.org


@maksanse – Using your specific example of the “Submit” string – As it currently stands, yes, bbPress is being overridden. I’m sure there are many other cases where that’s true as well. There is also no way to choose which translation file has priority either, and I’m not sure there’s a good solution for that.

The reason for it is due to Style Pack overriding the default bbPress templates (using Style Pack files). Therefore the bbPress translations (using bbPress files) won’t have any references to any Style Pack file translation strings (and vise-versa).

I’ve actually been working on a translation overhaul for about 3 weeks now. I hope to release it in the near future. The main goal is to make strings machine-translation-friendly, and to ship Style Pack with 10-20+ machine translations to cover many languages, and be able to add more quickly/easily as requested. Strings that both bbPress and Style Pack have in common should already “match” for each language. With that said, let me know any specific languages you would like to see included.

I will give this some thought, but I don’t know of a good way to accomplish your desired outcome of using bbPress translations instead of Style Pack translations, or to migrate bbPress translations over to Style Pack. Only thing to comes to mind is to write a custom script that will read the values specified within your custom bbPress translation files and then apply those values to any matching string within Style Pack files. Considering you’re the first person to bring this up, I’m not sure how many others would want/need that capability….but I’m willing to consider something like that if it makes sense. Always open to suggestions and ideas if you have any!

sorry I answered at the same time – I’ll let codejp take the first look

  • This reply was modified 9 hours, 48 minutes ago by Robin W.

Thank you both for your quick answer.

The reason for it is due to Style Pack overriding the default bbPress templates (using Style Pack files). Therefore the bbPress translations (using bbPress files) won’t have any references to any Style Pack file translation strings (and vise-versa).

I understand that…

I guess I then just have to check carefully where bbp style pack translations are modifying the “old ones” I fixed in bbpress.

I was afraid all translations had been replaced (which would have been a disaster in my case as I did change a lot of them), but it seems that it is not the case.

==> I will then handle it myself.

Thank you

I was afraid all translations had been replaced (which would have been a disaster in my case as I did change a lot of them), but it seems that it is not the case.


There are translation plugins that can handle “on-the-fly” translations site-wide (Style Pack can do this in the “Translations” tab, but it is limited).

As LocoTranslate allows you to work on translation files PER PLUGIN, that’s how translation strings are handled: per plugin. Changing any translation strings there will only affect the specific plugin’s .pot/.po/.mo files, but has zero effect on any other plugin.

That’s why I mentioned writing a custom script to do so. Manually making those changes could be a daunting and time-consuming task. I will keep thinking about a solution that will prevent the need for manual edits and see what I can come up with.

A warning for custom translations too:

When a plugin is updated, so is the included translation files. If bbPress releases a new version, the translation files included within the new bbPress version will overwrite the custom ones you currently have. Make a backup! And you’d have to reapply your customizations to the new plugin version too. Using a diff tool (like Meld) will help, but it’s still a bit of a pain.

  • This reply was modified 9 hours, 19 minutes ago by codejp3. Reason: Added translation warning

Considering you’re the first person to bring this up, I’m not sure how many others would want/need that capability….but I’m willing to consider something like that if it makes sense

Thank you for that proposition. I just noticed 2 or 3 translations that do not fit my french standards. Changing them manually is acceptable to me.

When a plugin is updated, so is the included translation files.

Actually, I move with Loco Translate the translation files to “custom” emplacement so that I keep it working after updates 👍

Best regards

Out of curiosity, are your translations “equivalent” to the English word(s), or are you using “custom” word(s) that you prefer better than a direct translation?

I use custom words and refer those words elsewhere (e.g. “Click on the “Publish” button below”) 👍

OK. Good to know! If there are any specific bbPress strings you want to set translations for not currently present within the Style Pack template files, let me know and we can add them so you can do your personalized translations for them.

I hope to have the translation update done by this weekend. Once it’s kicked out, you’ll want to re-sync your custom translation file for Style Pack.

Marking this as resolved, but feel free to post any translation issues you run across.


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