The Title says it all. Out of nowhere, our relatively well aranged homepage started looking like the mess you can see now. I am still not completely sure what caused this, but it´s been quite a while since we´ve changed anything about the website, so I assume it must be related to some sort of faulty plugin update. Just a list of what has changed/disappeared:
– The header, which lead to our blog page and application form is now only visible when you´re not on the main page
– Multiple images have disappeared
– The second download link to acquire a demo version of our application has disappeared
– The section on the main page showing our testimonials has disappeared
I really hope there is a way to recover all this, as we probably would need to build a main page for our website from scratch again if there´s not.
Thanks in advance to anyone reaching out to help us with this problem! 🙂
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