I am currently using All-In-One WP Migration Version 7.81 & All-in-One WP Migration Unlimited Extension Version 2.57. Suddenly, I am unable to download archive files via wp-admin using All-In-One WP Migrate which, up to now, has been my go-to archiving plugin for years.
The steps are: In the left side menu, rollover “All-In-One WP Migrate” and down to “Export”, select “Export To – File”; the process of preparing the backup begins. When the backup file is ready, you are presented with a screen/button saying “DOWNLOAD WEBSITE-NAME.COM”. When you click on that button, you are asked where you want to save the archive. I select a location on a local hard drive. The process begins but I’m immediately presented with an error message stating, “Failed – Forbidden”: https://prnt.sc/BhP9GPBBWPNP. Also, when you attempt to download the archive to a local hard drive an archive is automatically and simultaneously generated on the server. It appears to be the right size (1.83GB). I have not tried restoring the site from the server-based archives yet because I’m afraid the site will crash and I won’t be able to bring it back. In addition, when I try downloading that archive, that is generated on the server, I am unable to. I do this by rolling over the three dots to the right of the server-based archive and clicking download. The result is in the image, which I have uploaded here: https://prnt.sc/MDQi5p1t1Q4s
One last thing: Not long before the above issue appeared for the first time, I activated a Sucuri firewall, which required me changing the IP Address from one to another. I asked Sucuri about it and, after a few hours, they responded:
“I tried replicating your concern however I am getting an error saying the file wasn’t on site. https://snipboard.io/2oLtPs.jpg“.
However, I can see all those files on cPanel/File Manager and m able to download them directly from cPanel/File Manager.
I’ve searched for “Failed – Forbidden” and only found one mention of it. That person was referred to this support thread but I do not see mention of it here.
Thank you for any assistance you can provide.