Hi there!
I hoop that anyone can help me with this! I build a page for an online course/community and now I want to integrate a video dictionary. I used the post function of wp for the entries of my dictionary and the themebuilder of elementor for the search page. I wanted to limit the search results to only one post category (“gebaren”). Because I don’t know anything about coding I tried it with chat gpt and to my surprise it worked as a charme with this php code in the code snippet plugin:
add_action(‘pre_get_posts’, ‘filter_search_results_by_category’);
function filter_search_results_by_category($query) {
if (!is_admin() && $query->is_search()) {
$query->set(‘category_name’, ‘gebaren’);
return $query;
Unfortunately the code also affects the reply’s on the forum of the buddyboss theme. Has anyone an idea how to correct this?