GB query loop pagination top of page


Hi there,

you need the code from here:

Thats a PHP snippet.
If you’re using a Child Theme on your site, then you can add it to its functions.php
If you’re not then install the Code Snippets plugin and create a new snippet to add the code.

Thank you, it does indeed work!

However, I found out if you add an other CSS class than the one from the php code, it won’t work. I just have to define a seperate class for previous and next, though.

Thank you again.

Try this PHP Snippet instead:

add_filter( 'generateblocks_dynamic_url_output', function( $url, $attributes ) {
if ( isset($block['attrs']['className']) && strpos($block['attrs']['className'], 'custom-next') !== false ) {
$url = $url . '#my-loop-id';

return $url;
}, 10, 2 );


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