Hi, I created a script using JS to change the way add listing page is working!
The main goal is to separate the long form to a multipage form and eventually guide the user to complete the form!
Everything seems to be working fine, however when it comes to the map (selecting location for the listing), the map is not behaving as it should (it looks like the chunks of the map are not correctly rendered)!
Please take the time to check! Stiofan already created an account which I have changed to admin ([email protected])!
The Script which is doing the form manipulation can be found here (Please note that the map is working fine without these two scripts enabled. Also note that the map is working fine in other pages as well):
WP-Admin > Code Snippets > GD – Add Listing (Shop & Event)
WP-Admin > Code Snippets > GD – Add Listing (php generic)
This is affecting both Add Listing (Event & Shop) which you can find links below: