Geographical redirect?


Hi all, I’d like to send a visitor to a specific page based on their geographical location.

For example, when someone clicks my packages button, a US visitor will be sent to the US pricing page with $ pricing and a UK visitor will go to a different pricing page with £ pricing.

What’s the best way to achieve this on WordPress?

Any help or suggestions are appreciated.

1 Comment
  1. Honestly, in this day and age, it will be almost impossible to determine the IP because most people that had Apple, Apple masks location and IP and so many VPNs and tunnels. IP is not accurate.

    However, the only way you can do this, is by implementing the HTML5 API for Geolocation, so basically you have to ask users who come to your site, if they want to share their location data with you.

    There are plugins like GeoDirextory and WP Store Locator that will display the nearby store.

    But in your case, you will need to write code, basically first thing when people come to your website is you kick off the notification for HTML5 API, then base on their coordinates, you display the store that is for them or in their country.

    You can do it by having either Multisite network, where you display a complete seperate copy of each website to each country. Or you can display a post or page depending on their location.


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