I work as a wordpress freelancer and I am doing this since 3 years now. My customers are always very happy and they like what I do.
Nevertheless, I sometimes have the feeling that I am not professional enough. Maybe I should explain a little bit my business model: I use WordPress + DIVI to create websites for small businesses. Mainly for people who have no clue and just want someone to take care of their online presence.
As I am a freelancer, I do not have ANY comparisons to what other freelancers are doing and I often feel like I am doing stuff not professional enough. For example mobile Headers: I use the DIVI Supreme Pro PopUp Module to create full-screen headers on mobile and desktop. Even though this popup is very efficient (in comparison to other popups), it still feels hacky.
Other examples:
\- How do I create a blog where my clients can easily set their contents via Custom Post Types? This is kind of hard to achieve with DIVI.
I sometimes just want to have a quick look into the backend of other freelancers to see how they are doing things. It would be awesome to maybe have a group to discuss and help each other getting more professional.
Don’t get me wrong: I am not selling shitty websites, but I definitely want to professionalize myself more and more. Does anybody do professional wordpress development (in combination with DIVI) and wants to share or discuss some experience? Or does anybody know some good online courses?
Thank you so much in advance!!