Once clicked on any link (preferrably one that doesn’t lead to another page, like call-link in header menu oder “Problem melden” link above footer) gtm.js creates output href="https://projectdmc.org/support/topic/gtm-js-tag-manager-outputs-code-upon-link-click/tel:
at the very end of the HTML document. (verify on any page of provided domain)
Possible origin of this output coming from this part in gtm.js:
"function": "__html",
"metadata": ["map"],
"unlimited": true,
"vtp_html": "href=\u0026quot;tel:",
"vtp_supportDocumentWrite": false,
"vtp_enableIframeMode": false,
"vtp_enableEditJsMacroBehavior": false,
"tag_id": 7
This is surely not the expected behaviour. What’s going on?
The page I need help with: [log in to see the link]