Hi WordPress Community, I need your help! I can’t seem to find anything online and I’m unsure if this is normal but each time I make a new post my website appears like this on my phone and even when I check it on another browser. I need to know if something is wrong with the way I have it set up. My host is BlueHost if it helps. The theme is Twelve Blog.
Basically when I create a new post my website goes bonkers and stops working? It seems to be something with the Home Screen because my new post won’t display there and it is all blown up but all the other pages seem fine and display my new post too
Are you using any caching, or optimization plugins?
Your stylesheet is not loading. Most commonly this is due to “mismatched mime types” or trying to load your stylesheet through http on an https domain. What does your console say? I’m sure there’s an error related to this.
I’d be happpy to take a closer look! Hard to suss it out without poking around. Feel free to DM me.
Tim Jones
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