Hello, i got malware on my website and rn it took a lot of time to load a website and after loading it shows ***<?:>*** on upper of the website. I found it in code but cannot find it in theme on wordpress, whats the best solution to remover this malware? site is: gabrielamendel dot sk, thanks!!
I see that the codes also appear on other pages, so high chance it is inside the theme header file.
Try looking into wp-content > themes > (your theme name) > header.php
Hope it helps!
Your site has been hacked – removing that code won’t do anything.
To fix the issue, you need to identify how the malware got it. Malware is almost always a result of a plugin vulnerability being exploited. This happens if you don’t keep your plugins up to date or use abandoned or nulled plugins/themes. Remove or update the plugin(s), *then* clean the site (using Wordfence).