How can I add the sale badge back into my product carousel?

So i have some code which calculates the percentage discount and changes the “sale badge” to display the current discount percent.

However I just built some new loops using Elementor loop carousel and it no longer has the badge showing up? What code do I need to modify to make it include the badge on those aswell?

My loop carousel just has the property “featured image” and is a loop of products.

here is a pic of the discount badge, The badge itself is just included in my theme shoptimiser by default.

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and here is the loop carousel without the badge

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Just want to know where I need to look, Any googling just returns people using ACF to add the badge in themself, but I don’t believe I can use the same code I am using to change the text to be the discount percentage if I do that.

EDIT after some digging I found the code for getting the price of the product which I believe has a call to the function calling the display badge. I guess I just need to modify it to include loop products aswell?

function shoptimizer_change_displayed_sale_price_html() {

global $product, $price;
$shoptimizer_sale_badge = ”;

$shoptimizer_layout_woocommerce_display_badge = ”;
$shoptimizer_layout_woocommerce_display_badge = shoptimizer_get_option( ‘shoptimizer_layout_woocommerce_display_badge’ );

$shoptimizer_layout_woocommerce_display_badge_type = ”;
$shoptimizer_layout_woocommerce_display_badge_type = shoptimizer_get_option( ‘shoptimizer_layout_woocommerce_display_badge_type’ );

if ( $product->is_on_sale() && ! $product->is_type( ‘grouped’ ) && ! $product->is_type( ‘bundle’ ) ) {

if ( $product->is_type( ‘variable’ ) ) {
$percentages = array();

// Get all variation prices.
$prices = $product->get_variation_prices();

// Loop through variation prices.
foreach ( $prices[‘price’] as $key => $price ) {
// Only on sale variations.
if ( $prices[‘regular_price’][ $key ] !== $price && $prices[‘regular_price’][ $key ] > 0.005) {
// Calculate and set in the array the percentage for each variation on sale.
$percentages[] = round( 100 – ( $prices[‘sale_price’][ $key ] / $prices[‘regular_price’][ $key ] * 100 ) );
// Keep the highest value.
if ( ! empty( $percentages ) ) {
$percentage = max( $percentages ) . ‘%’;
} else {
$percentage = 0;
$regular_price = (float) $product->get_regular_price();
if ( $regular_price > 0.005 ) {
$sale_price = (float) $product->get_price();
$percentage = round( 100 – ( $sale_price / $regular_price * 100 ), 0 ) . ‘%’;

if ( isset( $percentage ) && $percentage > 0 ) {

if ( ‘bubble’ === $shoptimizer_layout_woocommerce_display_badge_type ) {
$shoptimizer_sale_badge .= sprintf( __( ‘<span class=”sale-item product-label type-bubble”>-%s</span>’, ‘shoptimizer’ ), $percentage );
else {
$shoptimizer_sale_badge .= sprintf( __( ‘<span class=”sale-item product-label type-circle”>-%s</span>’, ‘shoptimizer’ ), $percentage );

if ( true === $shoptimizer_layout_woocommerce_display_badge ) {
echo shoptimizer_safe_html( $shoptimizer_sale_badge );



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