I have a WordPress site and I’ve organized my CSS files to be easy to maintain. I have code pertaining to a plugin in a file just for that plugin. For instance,
I have a `pi/` folder for all my plugin custom CSS. The code for the EmbedPress plugin is in `embedpress.css`, `tablepress.css` holds the custom CSS for the TablePress plugin, etc.
[My CSS folder\/file structure from PowerShell tree command])So, I created a nested folder structure that I `@import` all files into the main **style.css** file in my child theme root.
I’ve seen some comments on other posts that you shouldn’t use `@import` statements, maybe replace with `@use` or eliminate overall.
1. How could my current CSS organization be slowing down my site / page load speed?
2. Does it “cost” less performance / speed-wise to combine all the same CSS rules into one large file, or is there literally no difference?
Thank you for any help.