Hey folks, I need some help with something for work.
I’m working for a company that has a blog with an url address like “http://blog.company.com/” I’m currently working on an online catalog and I was directly told to:
1- Do not make a new webpage, the company already pays enough hosting to the blog.
So I’m making the catalog INSIDE the blog.
2- The catalog should use the following domain which we own. “http://www.company.net” , because even though it is hosted with the blog, it is a different thing.
So I need people to open a catalog page and instead of showing “http://blog.company.com/productname” I need people to access the catalog pages, which are in the same hosted website as the blog do see a different url on their address bar. Such as “http://www.company.net/productname”.
How do I do that?