How do I remove “Home” from the top of my homepage without removing “Home” from the Menu?
I don’t want my home page to say “Home” at the top, looks lame, but I *do* want Home to be in the Menu.
If, however, I remove “Home” from the page title via Quick Edit, it removes it from the menu, leaving “#177 (no title)” instead.
Clone an existing page template and remove the page title snippet. Save as “no-title-template” or similar.
You cannot have an empty page title.
You can but it is a bad idea.
. what you want is to use css to hide the title when it is shown on the page
Even better, you want to only hide the title visually and keep it available for Google and screen readers.
Google bootstrap .sr-only class, find the definition and add it to your site using the custom css on theme/customizer.
Something like
body.page H1 { visibility: hidden..… etc etc }