Hi there!
I have been running into issues with the security optimizer when I update website to WordPress 6.4.
What happens is after typing in username and password into the login box, it logs in and then shows up a blank page in place of 2FA authentication and the website inside. It worked perfectly fine on wordpress 6.3 and I have reverted the website back to 6.3 to keep it working for the time being. I tried staging a copy and updating to wordpress 6.4 and it runs into same issue.
I asked sitegrounds customer support for help and they said the following: “It appears that you are using an additional plugin Clean Login and it appears that cannot work correctly or conflicts with the 2-Factor Authentication option of the Security Optimizer. The 2-Factor Authentication works correctly when using the correct https://www.staging4.secondwave.com.au/wp-admin Dashboard login URL. I would advise you on disabling the 2-Factor Authentication option of the Security Optimizer and report this to the Clean Login plugin developers.”
I have run into similar issues in the past, but not due to a wordpress update.. https://projectdmc.org/support/topic/unable-to-login-conflict-with-latest-version-of-sitegrounds-security-v1-2-9/ – and previously the plug-in author was able to get in touch authors of your security plug in – https://projectdmc.org/support/topic/the-new-version-1-2-9-breaks-our-login-with-clean-login-plugin/#new-topic-0 and have the issue fixed.
I would definitely appreciate any help.. I am not a website expert by any means. But the clean login plug-in is how my customers log into the website and without 2 factor authentication the security of my website would be at risk.
Thank you!
The page I need help with: [log in to see the link]