Thanks for reaching out to us.
Yes. We have this option “Row Grouping”, which can be used If one column of your table contains similar values for many rows,
then it often makes sense to use it as a “group column”.
This means it will not be displayed as a column, but its values will be used to group the rows. Each group will be marked with one row with joined cells above containing the group value.
Please check more details about this Feature on this Documentation.
2. You mentioned that your data would be coming from SQL Tables.
That is not possible with our Lite Plugin, it is only available as a premium feature,
so if you have any further question about using SQL Tables with our plugin,
please open a ticket on our main Support platform here and one of our Agents will respond you as quickly as possible.
Premium products or features are not supported in these forums, as per this comment by WordPress.org moderators.
If you don’t have an active licence, you can open a ticket in the “Pre-Purchase” section,
or simply click on this link; that way, it will not ask you for the Premium code.
Thank you for understanding.