I am trying to understand on the top level before I go into details.
Backup plugins in WordPress allow to keep only the last X backups. Each plugins can handle it differently, e.g. delete after X days, keep X latest backups, etc
But when doing offsite storage e.g. Backblaze, iDrive e2, S3, etc I think they also come with a retention feature. So the delete process can be handled by the storage provider itself as well.
Now I wonder, which approach is ideal and what pros/cons are there
For instance, if the backup plugin should be able to clean up old backups automatically, it means it must have also permissions to delete. That also means, that a hacker could perhaps get the permissions to delete all the backups in the bucket
Maybe with that, you see where I am looking at.
I try to understand what’s the actual correct setup without loosing too much convenience