Hi web developers of Reddit,
My company has an internal tool we developed to do market intelligence reports for a big food industry client. It can make a database from physical businesses from *any location* (city, country etc.), and *business type* (restaurant, grocery store, and many others) from public directories. Some of the many data points that we can collect:
* Contact info (email, phone etc.)
* Popularity info (reviews, social media likes; including time trends)
* Social media activity (post count per week)
* Year of opening
* Website (if exists)
* *Year the web design was last updated* (not fully reliable but generally pretty good)
* Number of pages on the website (maybe correlates with effort)
I’m thinking of turning this into an online tool or an on-demand service for lead generation for small business web design / web development / digital marketing. We could do data exports like:
1. Give me 100 *restaurants* from *my city* that *don’t have* a website, but are popular and active on socials
2. Give me 100 *nail salons* from *my country* that last updated their website *before 2010*, but they are popular
3. Give me 100 *small businesses of any type* within *a 50km range* that doubled their popularity over the last year, and *don’t have* a website
Can you imagine that a service like this may be useful to you – either as a freelance web developer/designer or for the agency you work with? What data or filters are you missing from what I listed above?
Combine this with the agent(s) and address of the agents of incorporation that is publically available on the secretary of state’s websites.
Particularly for small businesses, that is usually the owner.
Also, down the line, it would be possible to add website error detection, like links to 404s, responsiveness issues etc.
Yes! I think I’d like this now, please!
This would be a paid service?
What do you do to stop businesses from being spammed? I live in the UK and have someone from India call me every two weeks trying to sell me a website from my publically available company information. And I am a guy that builds websites and looks for new clients based on all the points you gave, and 404 link reports I run with Xenu.