Ten years ago, WordPress had the concept of ‘Links’ that you could enter. It was an alternative to Posts, Pages, etc. There were widgets that would display links.
I was just searching for something that would re-enable this feature. I’m trying to share some ‘knowledge sharing’ type links with people on my team, and I don’t want to futz with a CPT. I want to make sure that these are separate from existing pages and posts.
Ideally, Links would have their own Category CPT.
I just searched in the plugin store for the phrase ‘Links’ and ‘Restore Links’ and ‘Classic Links’ and I’m not able to find what I’m looking for.
I’m not a NooB with WordPress, but I haven’t seen the plugin that I’m looking for.
I’d consider using CPT, but I don’t feel comfortable building a CPT, and getting it to show up when and where I want (and nowhere else).