Thank you for contacting us,
This is working well on your website you can check.
Let me explain to you what is happening here, If you are on the homepage or frontpage there is no need for a link on the logo.
If you are on the inner page you should click on the logo to go home and this is happening on your website.
You can check if you are on the inner page there will be a link on the logo.
If there is any confusion let us know
Thanks & Regards
Oh yes, you are absolutely right! Either I only tested on the front page or there was some glitch earlier when I changed the logo. In any case, it is working as expected now, so all good, thanks! 🙂
Glad to know it worked for you.
We would appreciate it if you could provide us a review here: https://projectdmc.org/support/theme/newsup/reviews/#new-post
Need your review, please submit your review using the above link.
If you have any more questions or if there’s anything else I can help you with, feel free to ask. Good luck!
Thanks & Regards