Hello there, I'm new to WordPress and I'm needing some help trying to learn some things. Any assistance would be hugely helpful whether it's links to tutorials or whatever.
Essentially I'm wanting to create a catalog of items, that when you look at one of the "products" it shows some stuff (an image, title, description, tags/categories/etc, and some additional information) and links to say amazon pages to purchase said item, or a link to a download page for a free thing (say a sample page for a book or something).
I would also like to have a page, that's not the "Add Page" in WordPress, that is a password protected page that allows a signed in user to "upload" or "add" a new item to the catalog. That way a non-Wordpress admin can log in to a page and start populating the "catalog". This upload/add page would need to also allow that signed in user to add tags/categories/etc to the "product" that they are adding to the catalog (Something to help make searching easier).
I've seen a number of catalog stuff, like WooCommerce, that can create a "shop" relatively fast, but I don't think it has the upload/add page I was wanting.
And would is it possible to have a bunch of different kinds of tags/categories/etc, like they do for books? for example, books have "age range", "main genre", "sub genre", "book types" (essential like hard back, paper back, novella, short-story, etc). I would like something like this where each of the different category groups are different listings. Is this even possible with the free version of WordPress, or are these "custom taxonomies" that are only available in the Pro version?
Sorry, I'm just new to this and am unsure where to start, or even if what I'm wanting to do is even possible.
Woocommerce does all that, out of the box.
If the product is to be purchased off-site, there is a field in WC for that.
Use “product categories” to categorize the products.
Is this a marketplace-style site, where lots of people will be adding content, or just a couple? There are marketplace plugins that can do the former.