Hello! I’ve been trying to find a solution to this for a long time and have yet to figure anything out, so I thought that I’d come here and ask the community in the hopes that someone has a suggestion. Feel free to poke around the main website, but what I really want to achieve is related to this page (I would want to use the same functionality on others, but we’ll use this is an example): [http://feelinfilm.com/episode-index/])
What I want is some kind of drop-down list, preferably that can be organized by tags. My goal is to achieve a table of contents for episodes that can be pulled up by author specifically. So let’s say that every episode on this list is tagged with the authors (in this case, podcast hosts). I want someone to be able to go to a table of contents and select “Aaron White” and then be delivered a linked list of the episodes that have the tag “Aaron White”. The way I’m doing it now has become overwhelming due to the number of posts/episodes.
I am a WordPress newb and definitely prefer “install this plug-in and it works”, but I’ll take any help I can get. Thanks in advance!
A plugin is probably easiest.
otherwise, you can create authors (add users to site for each PodC author). Then a post per podcast. Then WP built in author pages will show all posts, therefore podcasts for each.
There are also plugins for fancy post grids and stuff – which will make these author pages prettier – and ‘post filter and search’ plugins to help create easy navigation.