Modifier html output |


Hi @giuseppedichiara

Thank you for using Filter Everything plugin.

In general if you want to change HTML around filter buttons (Apply and Reset) you have to override the apply-button.php template. If you want to change buttons in the pop-up mobile widget, you have to override the bottom-controls.php template.

Also you can use next hooks to place custom HTML in the Filters widget:
do_action( ‘wpc_before_filters_widget’, $args, $instance );
do_action( ‘wpc_before_display_filters_widget’, $setId, $args, $instance );
do_action( ‘wpc_before_mobile_filters_widget’, $setId, $args, $instance );
do_action( ‘wpc_after_mobile_filters_widget’, $setId, $args, $instance );
do_action( ‘wpc_after_filters_widget’, $args, $instance );

You can find them all in the /wp-content/plugins/filter-everything-pro/src/Admin/Widgets/FiltersWidget.php file.

I hope this will be helpful to solve your problem 🙂


I’m glad that your problem was solved and thank you for your notice abou that.

I would be thankful for a positive review about the plugin here on –

Thank you in advance!


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