More detailed end tag |



This is possibly too niche a request but I add it for your consideration. I continue to be very happy with your SimpleTOC and my readers appreciate it too.

We have to repurpose WordPress posts for other uses and that means stripping out some of the WP and plugin generated HTML. Usually done via RegEx.

At present your opening <ul or <div tags have clear labels like class=”simpletoc-list” but the closing tags are just </ul> or </div> which makes it hard for computers and sometimes humans to parse. With nested <ul …> tags it’s difficult for Regex to work out where SimpleTOC ends it’s work.

Could you consider giving one or both of the tags a fixed ending label such as </div id=”simpletoc”> which makes it easy for both parsing code and human coders to see? I thought adding it to the <div… might be more appropriate than the standard <ul …> then I could use the add_filter( ‘simpletoc_wrapper_enabled’ … option.


Peter Deegan


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