First, cool site. I don’t have a lot of experience with theming or 2023, but I’m encountering other navigation issues. I never have seen that specific error.
I assume you are editing things through the Site Editor.
First, what are you editing — the template or the template part?
How are you generating the top navigation? Are you using a reusable block or creating a separate template part?
If you choose to edit the template part FOOTER and then you select the LIST VIEW icon (from the top left), do you see anything weird?
If all else, fails, I would create a custom footer template part and use that instead. Or if you edited the original footer template part, you could choose the Template tab on right and select the three dots to clear customizations.
(I’m currently having problems with position of objects in my footer, but nothing like your problem).
- This reply was modified 2 hours, 34 minutes ago by rjnagle.
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Thanks for your ideas.
I originally edited it from the Home template, but later found the template parts section and tried editing it from there. All my other customisations are visible in both places so I assume I am editing the same, default template.
I am only just learning how all this fits together but it is my belief that if I see two different menus in the editor view, I should see two different menus on the live view. If they don’t match, there’s a bug somewhere.
So far I have only edited the header to try to alleviate this, so I will try removing customisations and adding back to both header and footer in turn and then together if necessary.
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Oh, and the list view accurately reflects the editor view so there is nothing untoward there. It is as if the live view is just failing to read anything other than a default menu (it includes every page, which I think is the default menu content).
Which suggests to me that creating two new, custom menus may be another approach.
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I created a new menu for the top and that seems to have solved it.
- This reply was modified 6 minutes ago by zkarj.