Currently I am manually adding these sample cards into a gallery, I also have tabs for the different types of sample cards, however the company that I am displaying the sample cards of create so many of them that it’s going to make manual application completely unviable, and it will also cause visibility issues for people trying to find patterns on the sample cards they may want to browse. This has worked up until now but we are looking to scale up the amount of sample cards and will also require filtering and searchability.
How would you go about displaying these cards?
One option I am currently thinking about using is utilising Woocommerce, hiding them in the main product catalogue and not making them available to be purchased. This would allow me to utilise the .csv import/export and allow me to be able to upload 1000’s of sample card images with ease, along with being able to categorise them, apply filters and searchable tag terms.
The only issue I have with this is that I really don’t want them to be purchasable, so I would have to find a way to separate them from the main ecommerce product listings that are already on the website. I also wouldn’t want them to be searchable through the product search bar that I already have for the website in the header, I would want to utilise a separate search bar for the sample cards only on the sample card page.
Another more long winded option would be to build and display everything with ACF, though I would literally just be building what is already available to me via Woocommerce.
Are there any other options available to me?