Following my journey after my initial post here WordPress experts, please advise! : r/Wordpress (reddit.com), I've installed Cloudpanel and MainWP. Looks to be okay, but it seems missing a few things.
- Easy WordPress site cloning – eg from prod to a dev site for testing – MainWP has this but a few of my websites are above 5GB and it does not support the clone, nor does it have the native backup support for AWS
- Stage to prod pushing – Maybe achieved by another plugin?
I'm mainly looking for a one central management system for this. Also would like to get my backups to S3 or any AWS native services
- PHP FPM pool configuration in cloudpanel – it seems like each site does not has its own pool, can I achieve that?
FWIW, I use RunCloud for server, site management (in terms of creation/cloning/backup of sites), and [ManageWP.com](https://ManageWP.com) for site management (I just use it for updates, but it can also be used for backups and other services). Their stacks have proper pooling isolation, and all the usual security stuff you would expect.
Typically you don’t want to push from staging to production. The production DB should be treated as the single source of truth – overwriting it means you lose anything that’s happened on the site, like comments, ecommerce, forms, etc. In software development, only code is pushed from staging to prod.