thank you @giuse for filing this bug report and testing for conflicts. We will look into this right away!
hi @giuse we are having trouble reproducing this issue, I suspect there is something specific about the database configuration on your server.
Could you please go to the SSA support tab and see if there are any error messages in the debug log? You may need to turn on the debugger and then try to create an appointment type again to trigger the error.
If you could please email [email protected] with the subject line “database error” we will make sure it gets flagged and looked at immediately.
Hi @giuse I think we were able to figure out what the error would be based on a similar error report we just received, and I’ve released an update.
Could you please update to SSA v1.6.4.15 when you get a chance, and let us know if that solves the issue for you?
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HI @croixhaug , thank you for your help!
It’s not possible to test the new version because if I delete the previous version and then install the last one, I still see the settings before deleting the plugin. It looks like the plugin doesn’t clean the database after deletion.
Now I can add a new appointment type, but this doesn’t mean that it works. especially because it works also with version if you already create an appointment type with version I should test it on a fresh installation.
I mean this:
- Installed the first time => New Appointment Type not possible
- Rollback to => New Appointment Type possible
- Installed => New Appointment Type is possible
If with a new Appointment Type is possible doesn’t mean you have solved the issue.
Have you tested on a totally new installation?
If I have time I will do it. Or, can you please tell me what should i delete from the database to have it like a fresh installation?
Have a great day!
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Ok, good news! I’ve tested right now on a totally clean installation, and with version I’m able to create a new Appointment type.
So the issue is solved.
Thank you very much for your great support!
I wish you all the best with your amazing plugin.
Have a great day!