NGINX Multi Site * SSL Subdomains: Configuration file error : [emerg] duplicate listen options for — help!



I’m needing help, currently in process of installing SSL on an NGINX, Ubuntu 22.04 Vultr server. I have two existing domains on the server. Setting up a wildcard SSL for an WordPress Multi Site (Subdomain base) and am getting stuck at setting up my website’s configuration file within the /sites-available/ folder.

I’m not certain how to troubleshoot this.

I installed the certbot via

sudo certbot certonly –manual –preferred-challenges dns –server -d ‘*’ -d

I added the TXT record challenge to my DNS. All good there.

But now trying to set up the configuration file, I’m getting a “duplicate listening” option error. I’m not certain how to set up the configuration file for a wildcard ssl for a wordpress multi site domain.

Here is my current /sites-available/ configuration file

map $http_host $blogid {
default -999;

server {
listen 80;
server_name *;
return 301$request_uri;

server {
listen 443 http2 ssl backlog=4096;
server_name *;
root /var/www/;
index index.php;

location / {
try_files $uri $uri/ /index.php$is_args$args;


location ~ ^/files/(.*)$ {
try_files /wp-content/blogs.dir/$blogid/$uri /wp-includes/ms-files.php?file=$1 ;
access_log off; log_not_found off; expires max;

#WPMU x-sendfile to avoid php readfile()
location ^~ /blogs.dir {
alias /var/www/;
access_log off; log_not_found off; expires max;

include /etc/nginx/ssl/;
include /etc/nginx/ssl/ssl_all_examples.conf;

location ~ \.php$ {
include snippets/fastcgi-php.conf;
fastcgi_pass unix:/run/php/php8.1-fpm.sock;
include /etc/nginx/includes/fastcgi_optimize.conf;


include /etc/nginx/includes/browser_caching.conf;
access_log /var/log/nginx/ combined buffer=256k flush=60m;
error_log /var/log/nginx/;


When I test the nginx configuration files I get this error

nginx: [emerg] duplicate listen options for in /etc/nginx/sites-enabled/
nginx: configuration file /etc/nginx/nginx.conf test failed

Anyone have any ideas?



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